Wednesday, March 30, 2005

One More Thing...

The word ignorance in my little credo isn't so much about education and book-learnin' (or grammar and punctuation). Instead, try out the definition of ignorance that means uninformed or unaware.


munkee girl said...

As in "uninformed" or "unaware" of the proper rules of grammar usage? ;) Who loves ya', baby? I promise I'll quit now. HEE HEE!

Ken said...

You rock Mike.

Munkee Girl...well if you didn't give me then something would be very wrong...

munkee girl said...

Funny, it seems that in modern parlance "ignorance" often implies that even if you have examined all sides of the issue, if you don't agree with the speaker's point of view, you're "ignorant." Or "ignint."

How was the glorious opening to the Fussball season yesterday?

Ken said...

Guilty as charged. I can be quite patronizing and condescending...not my best qualities. But I can admit when I am wrong.

And Melissa, you're correct..there's definitely an implication that ignorance and intolerance are as I define it. My own intolerance and ignorance being too much of a focus on a sligtly left-of-center moral and religious view. And, I am more than willing to other viewpoints...hell I like knowing what the other sides feel even though I may not agree.

That said...this isn't about me trying to change minds, rather just to rant about my opinions and have discussions not unlike this one.

And I don't reall take all this too seriously. At this point I'm not exactly baring my soul or saying things that people wouldn't expect me to say. That may come with time.

Where's your blog Melissa?

munkee girl said...

Whee--condescension is fun!

And Ken, in spite of being a grammar nazi, I find that my spelling is quite atrocious, so I'm always double-checking myself with the OED. And, I must say that I'm still impressed that you own your own copy for home use. Raise a magnifying glass to the hideous English language!!