Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Ev'rythin's up to date in Kansas City

The trip to was excellent. Just the right amount of time. And Vagabond...while frightened of everything...semmed to enjoy spending Saturday playing in my mother's backyard yapping athe the neighbor dogs.

Thanks to Peter and Kat for the recommendation of Jerusalem Cafe. We always need to expand my mother's horizons and that's not a place she would seek out. We'll definitely go back there.

Visited the Farmers Market in this downtown renaissace area - full of lofts. Went to the Steamship Arabia a Missouri riverboat that was dug up from a field in 1988. Most of its cargo was preserved and it's on display as a snapshot in time for settlers going west. Amazing. Alcohol and canned food still preserved in bottles. If you go to KC it's worth the trip but it's slightly overpriced.

Got a 512mb iShuffle as a belated Christmas gift. Perfect for a full day's music at work.

Witnessed a crime. Nothing spectacular...but a crime nonetheless. As I was loading the car on Sunday I heard tires screech and a crash. Looked up to see beat-up SUV rear-end a Taurus. The SVU the hit reverse...turned a corner and sped off...more tires screeching as it flet the scene. No...I didn't avail myself as a witness....not because I didn't want to...but because there were other witnesses that were closer and that were, most-likely, local.

Thanks to the inital comments. I take questions and requests. Thanks to Peter and Mike for the links on their sites.

1 comment:

Peter said...

Yeah, I really like the KC farmer's market. Also saw the riverboat the last time were there. It was cool.