Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Words of the week: Feeding Tube seems that (and I realize this is old news by now) just perhaps the Republicans have been playing a sick game of politics with Schiavo. least one of them...House Majority Leader Tom Delay who, at present, is one of the leading voices behind returning the feeding tube to Terri.

Seems it's okay for his family to have the right to remove care from a loved one...just don't let it be someone else's family. This just seems so opportunistic on his part. Hell, I wouldn't even mention it if he were strong enough to go on record and say he was against what happened to his father. But he won't even talk about it at all. Why is that? Sure, you could say that it was a private family atter but his public stance is quite different now. At least tell us why. The LA Times had an interesting look at this story (including other instances of his playing ploitics and catering to big business.

And now the Pope...will he or won't he get put on a feeding tube? Seems some Italian press are hinting that may occur soon. How long can the Pope continue as head of the Holy See if he cannot speak? Does this call into question papal infallibility? If he becomes so incapacitated as to have no ability to speak or write does he become only a titular head?

I don't know. I'm not a Catholic, but I thought that the Pope (in theory) was Christ's vicar on earth. I also don't think he should resign. It makes the post too pedestrian. The Pope is a symbol that is larger than the man...but the man is important. I would be concerned with Cardinals jockeying for position (yeah I know that already happens) or actively working to undermine a healthy Pope in the hopes he would "retire." I admittely don't know enough about this stuff. Any help would be appreciated.

And I think I've reached my limit on the words feeding tube. Those two words paired together and in that order need to be banned for a while. However, it's going to get worse before it gets better....cause Terri will die and if the Pope is hooked up...the end of that phrase won't be any time soon.

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