Monday, December 26, 2005

The Day After

Well...made it through the holiday without anything terribly crazy or negative happening. Jess and I spent the day with her Dad's side of the family and went to a horrible Rockin Jesus Hour type church service. I can't believe it's actially a Methodist church. The service was replete with multi-media, light electronica, and fake rock religious anthems. Not exactly my cup of tea. If I go to church, and it's really not that often, I prefer what some call High Church. I like a more traditional service with the pomp and circumstance of an official ceremony. I'm sure this has more to do with the way I was raised and it's familiarity than a judegment over which is better. That said...I think the more traditional type of service puts one in a more reverential mode and in a better place to contemplate the mysteries of eternity.

After the service...there was a whole lot of nothing...just socializing and eating. Very crowded...but it wasn't too bad.

My wonderful wife remembered something from 15-months ago and got me (us) a great present. She had some cedar Adirondack chairs and foot stools made. We initially found these chairs in Sept. 2004. Now have them. We just need a house and a porch on which to use them.

Finally watched Serenity last night. I still think it's a good movie. Better than Star Wars Episode III. But let's be's not too hard to be better than that movie.


Peter said...

Not everyone goes to Church for contemplation. They probably should, but they don't.

munkee girl said...

ROCK ONNN!! Hey, if synthesizer was good enough for Jesus, it should be good enough for you.

I, too, got Serenity for Christmas, thanks to a surprise gift from the hubby. We're watching it again in chunks.

How are y'all doin' down there? Be glad you're not here, I'm ultra-mega-cranky trying to write an article I need to get finished before Florida. SIGH...least favorite part of my job.