Tuesday, May 17, 2005

So I took yesterday off and spent the better part of it attempting to register for events at this summer's GenCon. What a hassle. I'm rather lucky. There was only one event that I wanted that I failed to get. My days are stacked full of activity. Looks like I'll be living on Red Bull and Power Bars. In truth, I'll probably crash at some point and end up skipping an event or two. At least it's nice to have options.

I'll be taking my camera so expect a lot of photos in late August.

In other news. The Mountain Inn is coming down. Workers are beginning to tear it down. I'm thinking about taking some photos of the place periodically to record its demise. I figure Mike would like that.


munkee girl said...

Actually, I'm kind of scared to view photos of a Red Bull ("verleiht Fluegeln!"..."gives you wings") fueled Gen-Con amok. Perhaps you could censor your photos for us more sensitive viewers.

Peter said...

What photos are these?