Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Lots of fun on Pinnacle Mountain last Thursday. I managed to walk into a low-hanging tree branch, smacking right across my face. Thankfully I was't wearing my glasses or I'm sure I'd have needed new ones. Anyway my buddy PJ and I posed for photos. Our other buddy Kent thought it would be fun to imply that PJ decked me. Here are the results.

As you can see it was a beautiful afternoon for a hike. My office is close enough to Pinnacle Mountain State Park that we can head there every couple of days after work. It's a refreshing hike; 1.5 miles with some bouldering and great views. We generally make a round trip in about 40-45 minutes. The best thing about going after work is fewer people than the weekend. The park tends to get kinda crowded on nice weekends. As we all know...crowds are bad.

Full photo series here.


Peter said...

Nice do-rag.

Ken said...

Got to have something to keep the sweat out of my eyes!