Sunday, March 11, 2007

So when my mother was visiting a few weeks ago, I learned something about my family I heretofore had not known.

My grandmother was a professional bowler.

Now I realize that no one else really cares much about that but I think it's fascinating. I wish she was alive to tell me stories from her time as a bowler in the 50's and 60's. I'm told she was quite good. From what little I remember of her it's easy for me to fit a bowler persona into the person I knew (don't ask...I'm not going to try and defend that statement).

It seems clear to me that bowling isn't an inherited characteristic since, while I can bowl, I'm only average. My average tends to hover in the 140-160 range. One of the many things I miss about F'ville is the bowling league. I guess if I really wanted to I could sneak into a league here in Little Rock.

With the baby on the way, I should probably just stick with my weekly soccer game and hiking. I know that personal time will be a rare commodity when after Beckett gets here.

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