Monday, August 15, 2005

Started a new book this evening and I am racing to finish it. I should be done by tomorrow or Wed. So...what is this juggernaut of literature that I cannot put down? It's a book with a series of critical and comical essays surrounding everyone's favorite canceled sci-fi series: Firefly.

The book is Finding Serenity : Anti-Heroes, Lost Shepherds and Space Hookers in Joss Whedon's Firefly. I am liking it a lot. For the most part the book consists of fan essays gathered in a volume, but the authors are (up to the point I've read) all actual writers and some were even attached to the show. Jewel Staite (Kaylee) even wrote a piece detailing her thoughts and favorite moments. It's one of the last esays so I haven't read it yet. Also included is the English translation for all the Chinese used in the series (on a per episode basis). Next time I watch an episode I'll have that section handy.

When I'm done I'll gladly pass it around the the friends here in F'ville. Peter has already requested first crack at the book. I figure the Collin, Kat, or Wes will want to get a shot at it as well.

More on my other new book once I get started on it...which should happen on the flight to Indy on Wed.

1 comment:

munkee girl said...

The real question is whether we're going to get dressed up all fancy for the premiere. SHINY!