Wednesday, October 11, 2006

My little girlfriend, Bailey, died a few weeks ago. She was a beautiful ball of fur...not too bright...but very loving. Posted by Picasa


Annie said...

She looks like she was a bright little light, even if she wasn't as smart as all get out. Do you "see" her out of the corner of your eye? Do you "hear" her running around? For me there always seems to be these transition times for saying final goodbyes. They bring me both pleasure and pain. Endings are hard. But memories are wonderful.

Best wishes, Ken.

Ken said...

Bailey was one of my in-law's dogs (thusly she was my girlfriend and not my dog). However she as I had a pretty tight canine / human bond. I think her primary human was actually a bit jealous of her affection for me.

Or maybe I just wanted there to be jealousy. :-)

Annie said...

It's nice that you and she had such a close connection. I take connections like that wherever I can find them, canine and human.