Sunday, April 02, 2006

As promised to Bryan...a photo remembrance of his 30th birthday gathering (click on it for better resolution)...a few years back. (Now we'll see whether the people in the photos kill me.) It was an 80's themed party. Photo commentary numbered from left to right starting at the top...

1. Surprise: Bryan arrives.
2. Does the cake meet approval...hard to tell.
3. It's the return of the Eighties Ladies.
4. Jess...looking lovely as always.
5. Radiant JJ.
6. Party hosts...Rich and Jen (don't forget to check out her new blog!)
7. Tom doing his best Dobbs-head impression.
8. Me...Miami Vice style...though I think the earrings are a bit much.
9. Close-up on the colorful decorations.

This was fun and seems so long ago...babies, divorces, moves, and in Little Rock and in Fayetteville as well...I've been so lucky to have such good friends. Absolutely no doubt that these are great people.


Peter said...

Yeah, love the crazy eye shadow on Jess. Totally tubular, dude.

munkee girl said...

AND we miss you guys! Come visit us, eh?