Tuesday, May 03, 2005

So I have some comments on last week's episode of Star Trek: Enterprise. There may be spoilers ...you've been warned...

It was part two of their Mirror Universe gag. The first part was something special...fun, dark, watchable, and tied into Trek history very well. The revised credit sequence was was so good that all episodes need to have that music added instead of the dreadful song that's one of the major misteps in Trek history.

This week's episode was essentially useless. No real plot aside from an excuse to have the actors play darker versions of their characters. Oh...and let's throw in a Gorn for good measure. I guess my point is that making two episodes of the Mirror Universe took away from stories in the central Trek Universe. The second episode was superfluous...nothing happened in that episode that really couldn't be resolved in the first part. Surely when the decision came down to make a two-parter it was already known that the series was canceled. It just seems like a waste of an episode.

There are only three left...and while I certainly can't defend this show as being very good overall...it certainly seemed to find its footing this year and the writers learned how to flesh out the Trek mythos without rewriting or tearing asunder the continuity.

I will be sad to see it go but I know that Trek will return. A few year off may be a good thing. Perhaps a change in leadership as well. Berman and Braga did good for a while but their leadership has come into question. Fresh ideas need to be considered...thing JMS (B5) or bring back Ron Moore (DS9 / BSG) or even someone from outside of sci-fi.

Anyway...that's all I have on this right now. I'm sure I'll comment again after the final episode.


Peter said...

Well, I don't really agree with you about the second part. But that's ok. I liked the Gorn, and I loved the ending.

I also don't think that Berman and Braga are going to go anywhere. I think the idiots in Paramount are clueless and all that they see is dollar signs. Perhaps the failure of Enterprise will prompt their firing.

But I doubt it.

twd3lr said...

I agree with you about the 2nd episode (worthless), Ken. Horrible, horrible stuff. And what exactly are the producers trying to prove by putting this drivel up just before the finale? Sheesh.

jennybee said...

Will you disown me if I admit I haven't watched it since Season 1? I'm a fair-weather Trekkie, I suppose. I just couldn't take it, even with Scott Bakula (a perennial on my list of men I'd like to share a bottle of good red wine with).

But I admire your dedication and commitment to all thinks Trek and am glad to hear it's gotten better. I agree about a break for a few years. These things take time to gestate.


Peter said...

Definitely think JMS would do a much better job helming a new Star Trek, though.

Or JMS and Joss Whedon. That would be cool.

twd3lr said...

JMS is so overrated. I just don't get your (all of you, you!) fascination with him. Jeremiah was mildly entertaining, but there were some real honkers in there that JMS himself wrote. And don't get me started on B5, the most overrated sci-fi show ever...

Tom, highly opinionated (and right)

jennybee said...

Hey now, Tom. I loves me my Babylon 5. Damn fine writing.

twd3lr said...

Bleck. Too bad the acting was so horrible that it obscures whatever "fine writing" was there.

Ken said...

Thanks Mike. High praise from you.